Sunday, January 02, 2011

Journey to an Unknown Land

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You have a feel of safety everywhere. Car drivers don't pass on red signal, pedestrians don't cross the roads here and there. You don't need to be afraid of some pick pocketers or hijackers. Streets are free of dirt. You are relieved from chaos and rush. Until you are in a supermarket, you will see calmness all around.

Life is charming and beautiful. It is cold outside but with room heaters on you don't feel it from inside. You don't need to care for seniors when doing anything. The people are friendly and warm. If you ask for help, most stand by you eagerly. Unlike many friends during my University life, they will not point you to the wrong direction when you ask them for a street or house number.

My company was bankrupt before arriving here. I got a great feel of job safety when a new job was confirmed just the next day after entering into this land. There was a round of walking through the company compound to introduce myself to other colleagues on the first day. Everyone seems very much friendly. The office was located in a nice place nearby to the city. The forest was just beside the office building and the city on the other.

Everything was going perfect. Life is going to settle down in an unknown land without any hassle. It seems I was born in the wrong place and now migrated to my home.

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